This By-law was repealed on 2019-03-08 by Repeal of By-laws By-law, 2018.
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- Is repealed by Repeal of By-laws By-law, 2018
Cape Town
South Africa
South Africa
Constitution of Transport for Cape Town
- Published in Western Cape Provincial Gazette 7208 on 6 December 2013
- Commenced on 6 December 2013
- [This is the version of this document from 6 December 2013 and includes any amendments published up to 6 December 2024.]
- [Repealed by Repeal of By-laws By-law, 2018 on 8 March 2019]
WHEREAS section 156(2) of the Constitution provides that a Municipality may make and administer by-laws for the effective administration of the matters which it has the right to administer;WHEREAS the allocation of responsibility for land transport matters in the City has previously been shared between the City, the Province and the Department of Transport;WHEREAS pursuant to section 11 of the NLTA, a Municipality may have certain functions assigned to it;WHEREAS in order to carry out its transport functions (including any such functions that may be assigned to it) effectively, the City wishes to establish a new transport authority within the City as a governance structure by which all such transport functions shall be collated so as to facilitate integrated transport for the benefit of the citizens of and visitors to the City;WHEREAS such new transport authority shall be TCT and its functions shall be as set out in this By-law;WHEREAS in response to the requirements of the NLTA, the City is required to improve the provision of transport services and to set standards which will change the way in which transport infrastructure, services, operations and systems are implemented and managed;WHEREAS the City may exercise its powers in terms of sections 12 and 19 respectively of the NLTA, the relevant provisions of the Roads Ordinance, the National Road Traffic Act and the Urban Transport Act, and any other relevant transport related legislation and regulation; andWHEREAS TCT shall be the body through which the City's functions under the NLTA are discharged;AND NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED by the Council of the City of Cape Town, as follows:GENERAL PROVISIONS1. Definitions
In this By-law, unless the context indicates otherwise:"City" means the Municipality of the City of Cape Town;"City Manager" means the person appointed as the municipal manager of the City in terms of section 54A of the Structures Act;"Commissioner" means the person appointed by the Council to be the commissioner of TCT and whose appointment shall be made pursuant to section 57 of the Systems Act;"Committee" means a section 79 Structures Act committee;"Constitution" means the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996;"Contracting Authority" means a Municipality to which the contracting authority function has been assigned in terms of the NLTA, and whose responsibilities are as set out in section 4 and which are to fall under TCT;"Council" means the municipal council of the City as referred to in section 157 of the Constitution;"Director" means any holder of the post of director (whether full or part time, temporary or permanent) in the City;"Executive Mayor" means the executive mayor of the City elected in terms of section 55 of the Structures Act;"Financial Management" means such responsibilities as set out in section 7 and which are to fall under TCT;"Financial Year" means 1 July to 30 June (inclusive);"Function" means any of the following functions to be performed through TCT (as the context may require):(a)Planning Authority;(b)Contracting Authority;(c)Municipal Regulatory Entity;(d)Performance Monitoring and Evaluation;(e)Financial Management;(f)Public Transport Law Enforcement;(g)Liaison, Communication and Stakeholder Management;(h)Infrastructure Management; and(i)Network Operations Management;"Functional Area" means the area of the City together with the areas of such other Municipalities with whom the City has a transport planning relationship;"Infrastructure Management" means such responsibilities as set out in section 10 and which are to fall under TCT;"Integrated Development Plan" or "IDP" means the City’s integrated development plan adopted in terms of chapter 5 of the Systems Act;"Integrated Public Transport Network" or "IPTN" means the integrated public transport network (for both road and rail) for the City as referred to in the NLTA;"Integrated Transport Plan" or "ITP" means an integrated transport plan for the City as contemplated in section 36 of the NLTA;"Intermodal Planning Committee" means the intermodal planning committee established in terms of section 15 of the NLTA;"Land Transport Advisory Board" means the land transport advisory board established in terms of section 16 of the NLTA;"Liaison, Communication and Stakeholder Management" means such responsibilities as set out in section 9 and which are to fall under TCT;"Mayoral Committee" means the mayoral committee of the City elected in terms of section 60 of the Structures Act;"MEC" means the member of the Executive Council of the Province who is responsible for transport in the Province;"Minister" means the minister responsible for transport in the national sphere of government;"MRE Committee" means the Municipal Regulatory Entity committee referred to in section 5(4);"Municipal Entity" means a municipal entity as defined in section 1 of the Systems Act;"Municipal Land Transport Fund" means a fund established pursuant to section 27 of the NLTA and which is to fall under TCT;"Municipal Finance Management Act" means the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, No 56 of 2003;"Municipality" includes all types of municipalities contemplated in section 155 of the Constitution;"Municipal Regulatory Entity" means a Municipality to which the operating licence function has been assigned in terms of the NLTA, and whose responsibilities are as set out in section 5 and which are to fall under TCT;"National Road Traffic Act" means the National Road Traffic Act, No 93 of 1996;"Network Operations Management" means such responsibilities as set out in section 11 and which are to fall under TCT;"NLTA" means the National Land Transport Act, No 5 of 2009;"Non-Member" means any operator operating in the City who is not a member of an Operator Association;"Operating Licence Administrative System" or "OLAS" means the operating licence administrative system that is to be used to manage the function of the Municipal Regulatory Entity;"Operating Licence Strategy" or "OLS" means the operating licence strategy set out in the ITP and which is to be used to manage the function of the Municipal Regulatory Entity;"Operator Association" means any operator association in relation to any on demand public transport service operating in the City;"Performance Monitoring and Evaluation" means such responsibilities as set out in section 6 and which are to fall under TCT;"Planning Authority" means a planning authority (as defined in the NLTA), and whose responsibilities are as set out in section 3 and which are to fall under TCT;"PLTF" means a provincial land transport framework contemplated in section 35 of the NLTA;"PRASA" means the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa established in terms of section 23 of the Legal Succession to the South African Transport Services Act, No 9 of 1989;"Province" means the Provincial Government of the Western Cape;"Public Transport Law Enforcement" means such responsibilities as set out in section 8 and which are to fall under TCT;"Roads Ordinance" means the Roads Ordinance, No 19 of 1976;"Structures Act" means the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, No 117 of 1998;"Systems Act" means the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, No 32 of 2000;"TCT" means Transport for Cape Town, the City's transport authority;"TIC" means the City's Transport Information Centre and which is to fall under TCT;"TMC" means the City's Transport Management Centre and which is to fall under TCT; and"Urban Transport Act" means the Urban Transport Act, No 78 of 1977.2. Establishment and functions of tct
3. Planning authority
4. Contracting authority
5. Municipal regulatory entity
6. Performance monitoring and evaluation
7. Financial management
8. Public transport law enforcement
9. Liaison, communication and stakeholder management
10. Infrastructure management
11. Network operations management
12. General functions of tct
13. Agreements with the province and adjacent municipalities
Subject to the prior approval of the Council, the Commissioner may enter into such arrangements with the Province or adjacent Municipalities in terms of section 12 of the NLTA and such arrangements with adjacent Municipalities in terms of section 19 of the NLTA as the Commissioner deems fit.14. Short title
This By-law is called the City of Cape Town: Constitution of Transport for Cape Town Bylaw, 2013.History of this document
08 March 2019
Repealed by
Repeal of By-laws By-law, 2018