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- Repeals Traffic By-law, 2011
Cape Town
South Africa
South Africa
Traffic By-law, 2021
- Published in Provincial Gazette 8640 on 29 July 2022
- Commenced on 29 July 2022
- [This is the version of this document from 29 July 2022 and includes any amendments published up to 3 February 2025.]
WHEREAS section 156(2) of the Constitution provides that a City may make and administer by-laws for the effective administration of the matters it has the right to administer;WHEREAS municipal public transport is listed as a local government matter in Part B of Schedule 4, to the extent set out in section 155(6)(a) and (7) of the Constitution;WHEREAS municipal roads, traffic and parking are listed as local government matters in Part B of Schedule 5, to the extent set out in section 155(6)(a) and (7) of the Constitution;WHEREAS the City intends to control nuisances emanating from the operation of public transportation within the jurisdiction of the City of Cape Town;WHEREAS by virtue of the Declaration of Peace Officers in terms of section 334 of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act No. 51 of 1977), law enforcement officers appointed by a municipality are provided with certain powers in relation to road traffic and road transportation legislation that is operative in the area of a municipality;WHEREAS by virtue of section 80A of the National Road Traffic Act, the City may make by-laws not inconsistent with that Act with the concurrence of the Premier in respect of matters related to the safety of traffic on public roads, the duties of drivers and the use of vehicles on public roads, the provision of services involving the plying for hire or transporting of passengers for reward, the use of warning devices, the use of a public road by traffic in general, the limitation of age of drivers of vehicles drawn by animals, and any form or token deemed expedient and the nature and extent of information to be furnished for that purpose;AND NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED by the Council of the City of Cape Town as follows:—Chapter 1:
1. Definitions
In this By-law, an expression defined in the Act and its Regulations has that meaning unless the context indicates otherwise and—"Act" means the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act 93 of 1996);"authorised official" means an employee of the City authorised to carry out any duty or function or exercise any power in terms of this By-law and includes a traffic officer and a law enforcement officer;"bus" means a motor vehicle designed or adapted for the conveyance of more than 16 persons, including the driver;"City" means the City of Cape Town, a municipality established by the City of Cape Town Establishment Notice No. 479 of 22 September 2000, issued in terms of Section 12 of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 (Act 117 of 1998), or any structure or employee of the City acting in terms of lawfully delegated authority;"City manager" means the person appointed as the accounting officer of the City in terms of section 54A of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000);"electronic hailing service" means a public transport service operated by means of a motor vehicle, which—(a)is available for hire while roaming; and(b)is equipped with an electronic e-hailing technology-enabled application,and the term "e-hailing" and "e-hailing vehicles" has the same meaning;"e-hailing tag" means a tag issued in terms of section 13(1);"holding area" in relation to a taxi, means a place, other than a rank, where a taxi remains until space for it is available at a rank or stopping place;"holder" in relation to a rank token, means the owner to whom a rank token has been issued in terms of section 4(2);"law enforcement officer" means a law enforcement officer appointed by the City in under Proclamation No. 1114 of 19 October 2018 promulgated under section 334(1) of the Criminal Procedure Act,1977 (Act 51 of 1977) to enforce applicable road traffic and road transportation legislation that is operative in the municipal area of the City;"licensing authority" means a registering authority appointed in terms of section 3 of the Act;"motorcycle" means a motor vehicle which has two wheels and includes any vehicle having a sidecar attached but, for the purposes of this By-law, does not include an electric bicycle using rechargeable batteries that assist the bicycle’s pedal power;"motor tricycle" means a motor vehicle, other than a motor cycle or a tractor, that has three wheels and is designed to be driven with the type of controls usually fitted to a motor cycle;"motor vehicle" does not include an electric bicycle using rechargeable batteries that assist the bicycle’s pedal power;"operating licence" means an "operating licence" as defined in section 1 of the National Land Transport Act, 2009 (Act 5 of 2009);"pedal cycle" means any bicycle or tricycle designed for propulsion primarily by means of human power and includes an electric bicycle using rechargeable batteries that assist the bicycle’s pedal power;"permit" means a "permit" as defined in section 1 of the National Land Transportation Act, 2009 (Act 5 of 2009);"ply for hire" means the use of a vehicle for conveying passengers for hire or reward;"prescribed" means prescribed by the City manager;"public transport conductor" means a person who, in a place or on a public road, renders a conductor service to public transport drivers and passengers, including—(a)soliciting and touting for business;(b)controlling and managing access to vehicles; and(c)collecting fares;"public transport facility" means any space demarcated for specific public transport vehicles;"public transport vehicle" means a public motor vehicle used for the conveyance of passengers for hire or reward and includes buses, taxis and e-hailing vehicles;"public transport service" means a scheduled or unscheduled service for the carriage of passengers by road whether subject to contract or not, and where the service is provided for a fare or any other consideration or reward, and except where clearly inappropriate;"rank" includes—(a)a public transport interchange or a place upon a public road from which a public transport service may ply for hire or convey and drop off passengers for reward; and(b)any place designated or demarcated as a rank for the exclusive parking of specific public transport vehicles by a road traffic sign;"rank token" means a rank token issued in terms of section 4;"Regulations" means the regulations promulgated under the Act;"stopping place" in relation to—(a)a taxi, means a place designated by the City where a taxi may stop to pick up or drop off passengers, and(b)a bus, means a demarcated stop where a bus may stop to pick up or drop off passengers;"taxi" means a public transport motor vehicle, other than a public bus, used for the conveyance of passengers excluding an e-hailing vehicle;"taxi facility" means a holding area, special parking place, stopping place, rank, terminal and any other facility that is specifically identified and designated by the City for the exclusive use of taxis;"taxi rank" means any place designated or demarcated as a taxi rank or for the exclusive parking of taxis by a road traffic sign; and"traffic officer" means a traffic officer appointed by the City in terms of section 3A of the Act and any member of the Cape Town Metropolitan Police Force approved by the member of the Executive Council in terms of section 64A(4) of the South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act 68 of 1995).Chapter 2
Powers and duties of authorised officials
2. Powers and duties of authorised official
Chapter 3
Plying for hire and ranking requirements
3. Parking and plying for hire
4. Rank tokens
5. Display of rank token
No person may—6. Rank token to be produced on demand
7. Suspension or withdrawal of a rank token
8. Procedure for suspension, cancellation or withdrawal of a rank token
9. Change of address
The holder of a rank token must give written notice to the City of any change of address and proof of such address within 14 working days by pre-paid registered post, telefax, hand delivery or by electronic mail.10. Amendment and replacement of a rank token
11. Use of ranks
12. Right of entry
An authorised official may, in enforcing the provisions of this By-law, at any reasonable time and without prior notice—13. E-hailing vehicle tags
Chapter 4
Licence and operating licence
14. Driver of motor vehicle to be licensed
No person may drive a motor vehicle on a public road—15. Motor vehicle to be licensed
Subject to the provisions of the Act, every motor vehicle in the City must, whether or not it is operated on a public road, be licensed by the owner of that motor vehicle, in accordance with the provisions of the Act, with the relevant licensing authority.16. Driver to have operating licence
17. Operating licence to be produced on demand
18. Unauthorised handing over or abandonment of public transport vehicle
No driver of a public transport vehicle may—19. Display of licence number
No person may drive or operate a motor vehicle on a public road if it is not fitted with a number plate at—Chapter 5
Equipment on or in respect of vehicles
20. Lights on motor vehicles
No person may operate a motor vehicle on a public road unless—21. Lights on vehicles
No person may drive a vehicle on a public road without its lights fitted in accordance with the Regulations and in working order.22. Reflectors on vehicles
No person may drive a vehicle on a public road unless it is fitted with reflectors in accordance with the Regulations and clean, in good condition and not obscured.23. Direction indicators
No person may drive a motor vehicle on a public road unless its direction indicators are in working order.24. Hooter or warning devices
No person may operate a vehicle unless it is equipped with a hooter or warning device that is in good working order and capable of emitting a sound that is clearly audible by a person of normal hearing.25. General prohibitions
No person—26. Seatbelts
27. Tyres
No person may, on a public road, operate a vehicle if any of the tyres—Chapter 6
Conduct of drivers, conductors and passengers
28. Preventing engagement of public transport vehicle
No person may, by using force, intimidation, threat or any other means, prevent or try to prevent—29. Conveying dangerous or offensive articles in public transport vehicles
A person who is in charge of a public transport vehicle may not knowingly convey a person or thing or allow that person or thing to be conveyed in that vehicle, whether or not the public transport vehicle has been engaged, if that person or thing—30. Boarding and disembarking of public transport vehicles
31. Queues at public transport facilities
32. Garments and identification of public transport service conductor
Every public transport service conductor must, while on duty and presenting as available for service, be dressed in a retro-reflective bib or jacket and must ensure that an appropriately issued identification card in terms of any other law is visibly displayed.33. Duty of care
The owner, driver and conductor of a public transport vehicle must, at all times, exercise a duty of care by maintaining the inside of that public transport vehicle in a sanitary state of affairs.34. Payment of fares
A passenger on a bus or taxi must, on request, pay the determined fare for the journey.35. Rights and duties of passengers when public transport vehicle becomes defective
36. Actions prohibited on public transport vehicle
37. Behaviour prohibited at public transport facility
A person who causes a disturbance or behaves in a riotous or indecent manner may be removed from the vicinity of a public transport facility by any authorised official.38. Property left in public transport vehicles
The driver of a public transport vehicle must carefully examine the vehicle after a trip, and if a passenger has left behind any property in the vehicle, the driver must—Chapter 7
39. Animals
No passenger may enter a public transport vehicle with any animal other than a guide dog assisting a blind person.40. Animals on public road
Chapter 8
Road safety
41. Circumstances under which persons may be carried on goods vehicle
No person may operate a goods vehicle conveying persons on a public road—42. Overloading of public transport vehicles
No driver of a public transport vehicle may allow more than the specified number of passengers as indicated in the permit onto the vehicle while in operation.43. Obstruction and disruption of traffic
44. Duties of pedestrians
45. Use of hooter
No person may on a public road use the hooter or warning device of a vehicle except when necessary to comply with the provisions of this By-law or any other law or on the grounds of safety.46. Vehicle causing excessive noise
No person may operate or permit to be operated on a public road a motor vehicle causing any excessive noise which could be avoided by the exercise of reasonable care.47. Duty to indicate when changing lanes
48. Passing of vehicle
49. Prohibition on driving on shoulder of public road
50. Right of way at certain road junctions
When intending to enter any portion of a public road that constitutes a junction of two or more public roads where vehicular traffic is required to move around a traffic island within the junction, the driver of a vehicle on a public road must yield the right of way to all vehicular traffic approaching from the right within the junction, unless the entry into that junction is controlled by an instruction given by an authorised official or a direction conveyed by a road traffic sign requiring the driver to act differently.51. Compulsory stops
52. Riding on pedal cycles
53. Racing and sport on public roads
54. Hindering or obstructing traffic on public road
55. Towing of vehicles
56. Parking of vehicles
57. General duties of driver or passenger of vehicle on public road
58. Damage to public roads
No person may on a public road—59. Special provisions relating to freeways
Chapter 9
Mobile telephone
60. Prohibition on use of mobile telephones while driving
Chapter 10
Driving while under the influence
61. General provisions relating to driving under the influence
Chapter 11
Impoundment of vehicles
62. General provisions relating to impoundment of vehicles
63. Release of impounded vehicles
64. Sale or destruction of impounded vehicle
Chapter 12
General provisions
65. Contravention and penalties
66. Indemnity
The City and any authorised official is not liable for any damages caused by anything lawfully done or omitted by the City or the authorised official in carrying out any function or duty in terms of this By-law.67. Repeal
The City of Cape Town: Traffic By-law, 2011 is hereby repealed.68. Short title
This By-law is called the City of Cape Town: Traffic By-law, 2021, and shall come into operation on the date of publication in the Provincial Gazette.History of this document
29 July 2022 this version