South Africa
South Africa
Flammable Liquids and other Substances By-law, 2009
- Published in Eastern Cape Provincial Gazette 2042 on 27 February 2009
- Commenced on 27 February 2009
- [This is the version of this document from 27 February 2009 and includes any amendments published up to 1 March 2023.]
1. Definitions
For the purpose of this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates-"above ground storage tank" means a tank situated above or partly above ground and used or intended to be used for the storage of flammable liquid;"authorized official" means an official of the Council who has been authorized by the Council;"boundary line" means the perimeter of any premises in or on which flammable liquid is stored or used;"bulk depot" means any premises used or intended to be used for storage in bulk of flammable liquids where flammable liquids are to be distributed mainly by road tank wagon or otherwise;"bulk store" means any building or structure, or part of a building or structure which is used or intended to be used for the storage of flammable liquids in portable containers;"carbide" means calcium or carbide;"certificate of registration" means a certificate issued by the Council, authorizing any person to use the premises specified for the storage, use or handling of flammable liquids, or for the storage of carbide, as the case may be;"Chief officer" means any Chief officer as referred by subsection (2) of section 2;"container" means any case, tin, barrel, drum or other vessel used or intended to be used for the holding of flammable liquids, but does not include the fuel tank of a motor vehicle or stationary engine in normal use as such;"dry cleaning machinery" means any machinery used or intended to be used for the cleaning or the treatment of garments or textiles with the aid of flammable liquids;"dry cleaning room" means any premises used or intended to be used for the cleaning or treatment of garments or textiles with the aid of flammable liquids for gain or reward;"class A flammable liquid" means any flammable liquid having a true flash point of 23 degrees Celsius and lower;"class B flammable liquid" means any flammable liquid having a true flash-point over 23 degrees Celsius up to and including 55 degrees Celsius;"class C flammable liquid" means any liquid, oil or other similar substance having a true flash point of more than 55 degrees Celsius but less than 90 degrees Celsius;For the purposes of the definition of "flammable liquids" flash-point is determined in accordance w'ith the definition contained in the Code of practice for the Petroleum Industry SABS 089: Part I - 1996;"habitable room" means a room constructed or adapted to be used as a living room or workroom including shops, workshops and offices and the term "habitable" has a like meaning;"liquid petroleum gas" means a gas, being a petroleum by-product which, when stored under pressure in cylinders, assumes a liquid state until the pressure has been reduced;"mixing room" means any room or structure used or intended to be used for the manufacturing or preparation of any product involving the use of a flammable liquid;"person" includes any individual, company, corporate body, partnership or other associated of person;"protected works" means any house, building or other structure used or intended to be used for human habitation or public assembly including schools, clubs and similar institutions which also includes any animal stable, but excludes any administrative offices, change rooms or mess rooms in a bulk depot;"pump" means any pump used or intended to be used for the supply, delivery, proposition or pumping of flammable liquids or substances and includes all apparatus, pipes and appliances used for or in connection therewith, but does not include pumps in bulk depots;"registered premises" means premises registered by the Council in terms of these By-laws for storage of carbide;"road tank wagon" means a vehicle constructed and intended for conveying flammable liquids for distribution principally or solely in a tank constructed as part of and firmly attached to such vehicle;"spray booth" means any subdivision or separate compartment or any spray room, when such subdivision or compartment is used or intended to be used for the purpose of spraying vehicles or articles with flammable liquids, and purposes incidental thereto;"spray room" means any room, building or structure used or intended to be used solely for the purpose of spraying vehicles or articles with flammable liquid and purposes incidental thereto;"store" means any building or structure other than a bulk store which is used or intended to be used for the storage of flammable liquids;"transfer under seal" means the transfer of flammable liquid from or to a road tank wagon in such a manner as to prevent the escape of flammable liquids or its vapour at any point in the system except at such points where the vapour necessarily expelled, is discharged through a vent pipe;"transport permit" means a tank used or intended to be used for the storage of flammable liquids, wholly sunk in and surrounded by earth or solid rock or any such tank situated in a basement below ground level and totally enclosed by a liquid-tight concrete or brick structure, and wholly surrounded by a sand filling;"vent pipe" means a pipe constructed and installed to allow the escape of flammable liquid vapour into the atmosphere.2. Provision of other by-laws to apply
The provisions of this Chapter must not apply to any land or premises situated outside a township or residential area to which the general public has no right of access and on which the owner or occupier stores or keeps flammable liquids or substances for his own use in agricultural activities.3. Application of this chapter to existing premises
The provisions of section 70, 72, 74, 77, 78, 81, 93, 99, 102 (a), paragraphs 9 (a), (b), (c), (e), (f) and (g) of section 133, paragraphs (a) and (c) of section 136 and paragraphs (a) and (d) of section 140 must not apply to any premises now unlawful use for the storage, use or handling of flammable liquids so as to require such premises to be reconstructed, altered or added to, to conform to the provisions of the said section, but where any such premises or part thereof are constructed, altered or added to , such work must be carried out in conformity with the provisions of this Chapter: Provided that on change of control of ownership of any premises in lawful sue for the storage, use or handling of flammable liquids, no renewal of any certificate or registration issued in connection therewith must be made unless and until the provisions of the sections hereinbefore mentioned have been complied with, and the provisions of such section must thereafter apply to such premises.4. Application for the approval of plans
5. Certificate of registration for storage
6. Supply of flammable liquids
No person must supply or deliver or cause or permit any flammable liquids to be supplied or delivered-7. Exemption and requirements: class c flammable liquids
Despite anything "contained in this Chapter-8. When plans null and void
The approval by the Council under section 41 of any plans must be null and void if the provisions of this Chapter must not have been complied with within one year after the date of such approval.9. Conditions of certificate of registration
10. Display of certificate of registration
Every person to whom a certificate has been issued must cause such certificate to be affixed and maintain in conspicuous position of the registered premises. Such certificate must be maintained at all time in such position and in a legible condition.11. Renewal of certificate of registration
Application for the renewal of a certificate of registration must be made not later than the 1st day of December of the year prior to that which such renewal is required, on a form to be provided by the Council and must be accompanied by the prescribed fee as set out in Schedule III hereto. No plans of the premises in terms of section 41 must be required in the case of renewal of a certificate of registration, unless called for by the Council.12. Transfer of certificate of registration
13. Temporary storage
14. Installation and erection
15. Additions and alterations to registered premises
16. Removal and dismantling
17. Storage, use and handling on registered premises prohibited in certain circumstance
Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, no person must store, use of handle, or permit or cause to be stored, used or handled any flammable liquids, on any registered premises-18. Prohibition of certain acts
No person who stores, uses or handles or causes or permits to be stored, used or handled any flammable liquid on any premises must do or cause or permit to be done any act which tends or is likely to cause fire or explosion.19. Notice to discontinue dangerous method
20. Flammable liquid escaping into drains
No person must cause or permit flammable liquid to enter any sewer or inlet or drain communicating with any sewer or any surface water drain.21. Prohibition against device and pumps in basements
No person must use or cause or permit to be used in any basement any device for spraying flammable liquid or any pump or other device for the issue or transfer of flammable liquid to vehicles or container.22. Filling operations
23. Filling on or across public sidewalks
No person must-24. Replenishing fuel tanks
No person must-25. Replenishing of public omnibus
No person must replenish or cause or permit to be replenish the fuel tank of any motor omnibus or carry or cause or permit to be carried any flammable liquid on or on any motor omnibus, except in the fuel tank thereof whilst any person other than the driver or person responsible therefore is within or upon such omnibus.26. Fire appliances
27. Examination of fire appliances
28. Reporting accidents
The occupier of any premises must immediately report to the Board any fire or accident involving flammable liquid that has occurred in connection with any such premises, where such for or accident has resulted in damage to any property or injury to any person.29. Rules to be observed on unregistered premises
30. Inspection of premises
31. Taking samples
Upon inspection of any premises by an authorized official of the Council, such official may take samples for the purpose of analysis or examination of any flammable liquid or substance, or of any liquid or substance of being flammable, which is found upon such premises but:-32. Breach of conditions
Any person who commits any breach of any condition endorsed on an approval noticed issued in terms of subsection (6) of section 41 or on a certificate of registration must be guilty of an offence under these By-laws.Storage tanks, pumps, pipelines and containers
33. Capacity of underground tanks
The capacity of any underground storage tank must not exceed 23 kl.34. Construction of tanks
35. Installation of storage tanks
36. Ventilation of underground storage tanks
Every underground storage tank must have a ventilation pipe of not more than 50mm. with an internal diameter of not less than 25mm, which pipe must:-37. Installation of storage tanks in buildings
No storage tank must be installed in or below any building which is more than one story high, unless the ceiling above such tank is constructed of reinforced concrete.38. Abandoned tanks
In the event of any underground storage tank being abandoned, the owner of such tank must cause it to be removed or filled with sand or liquid concrete.39. Entering of storage tanks
No person must-40. Position of pumps
41. Pumps on ramps
Pumps or other devices used or intended to be used for the issue of flammable liquid to motor vehicles or containers must not be erected on any ramp or within 4m of the beginning of the ramp.42. Dipping on ramps
Dipping sticks must be made of wood or brass or other non-ferrous metal or alloy.43. Pump hoses
Delivery of flammable liquid from any pump to the fuel tank of any vehicle must be made only through sound hose, have an earthling wire in its construction efficiently attached to the metal of the metal of the pump and to the metal nozzle. Except at an aerodrome or landing ground used by aircraft no hose attached to any such pump must exceed 4,5m in length measured from the pump to the tip of the nozzle.44. Situation of filling pipes and pumps
Every filling pipe inlet and every pump must be:-45. Naked lights and electrical apparatus
46. Maintenance of tanks, pipelines and pumps
47. Construction of portable containers
No person must store or convey or cause or permit to be stored or conveyed in one container any Class A or Class B flammable liquid a quantity exceeding 501 unless such container is constructed of metal not less than l.60 mm thick.48. Filing of containers
No person must carry on or cause or permit to be carried on the trade, business or occupation of filling containers with Class A or Class B flammable liquid other than in fireproof building used solely or such purpose, or in the open air at a distance of not less than 16m from any fire, flame, naked light or other agency likely to ignite flammable liquid or its vapour.49. Quantity in containers
No container must be filled with flammable liquid to more than 95 per cent of its capacity.50. Containers after delivery
No person taking delivery of any flammable liquid in containers in excess of the quantity stated in section 42 or under circumstances of temporary storage provided in section 50. must cause or permit such containers to remain unattended in any place other than a store or storage tank for a longer period than may be reasonably necessary which, in no circumstances, must exceed a period of 12 hours.51. Storage of empty containers
52. Repairing of containers
No person must carry out or permit to be carried out any repairing operations to any container until all flammable l liquid and flammable liquid vapours have been removed from such container.53. Marking of containers
No person must supply or delivery to any person any Class A or Class B flammable liquid in any container of less than 200I capacity unless such containers bears in conspicuous letters the word "flammable" in both official languages.54.
The certificate of registration issued in respect of any store must state the class and maximum quantity of flammable liquid permitted to be kept in such store at any one time.55. Danger notice on store
No person must use as such or cause or permit to be used as such any flammable liquid store, unless and until the words "DANGER -FLAMMABLE LIQUID - NO SMOKING OR CARRYING OF MATCHES AND LIGHTERS", in letters not less than 150mm in Height, together with the class and maximum quantity of flammable Liquid allowed to be kept in such store is legibly painted in both Official languages on the outer face of the door of such store. Such Notice must at all times be maintained in such position and in a legible condition56. Construction and situation of store
57. Lighting of store
All rights installed must be of the incandescent electric type, which must be enclosed, in an outer flameproof fitting and all wiring must be armoured or enclosed in seamless metal tubes, the junctions of which are screwed together. All switches Junction boxes, fuses and other electrical equipment must be outside the store.58. Use of store
No person must:-59. Unauthorised persons entering store
No persons must enter any store or cause or permit any store to be entered without the express permission of the occupier or other responsible person in charge of such store:Bulk depots
60. Danger notice at entrance
Prominent notice boards bearing the words "DANGER -FLAMMABLE LIQUID-NO SMOKING" in letters not less than 150mm. in all languages commonly spoken in the area of the municipality must be erected at all entrances to bulk depots and must at all times be maintained in such position and in a legible condition.61. Storage
62. Tank distances
All storage tanks must, in regard to the sizes set out in the first column hereto, be separated from the boundary of the bulk depot and from each other by the distances set out in the bulk depot and from each other by the distances set out in the bulk depot and from each other by the distances set out in the second and third columns hereto respectively;Â | Capacity | Distance from boundary | Distance between tanks |
 | Kilolitres | Metres | Metres |
Up to | 55 | 6 | 1 |
Up to | 85 | 7,5 | 1 |
Up to | 110 | 9 | 1,5 |
Up to | 140 | 10 | 3 |
Up to | 220 | 12 | 4,5 |
Up to | 350 | 13 | 5,5 |
Up to | 455 | 15 | 6 |
Up to | 910 | 15 | 7,5 |
Up to | 2300 | 15 | 8 |
Up to | 4550 | 15 | 12 |
Over | 4500 | 15 | 15 |