South Africa
South Africa
Display of Posters and Banners By-law, 2010
- Published in Western Cape Provincial Gazette 6814 on 26 November 2010
- Commenced on 1 February 2011
- [This is the version of this document from 26 November 2010 and includes any amendments published up to 13 December 2024.]
The object of this By-Law is to regulate the display of posters within the municipal area of Swartland Municipality in a manner that is sensitive to the environment. This By-Law seeks to strike a balance between advertising opportunities on the one hand, and the conservation of visual, tourist, environmental and heritage characteristics on the other hand.In addition, posters and banners should not compromise traffic safety and should not adversely affect the character of a locality.1. Definitions
In this By-Law, unless the context otherwise indicates:"Banner" means any material upon which a sign is displayed in such a manner as to be fully legible in windless conditions, attached to one or more ropes, poles or flagstaffs projecting vertically, horizontally or at an angle, or attached to buildings or special structures, but excludes banners carried as part of a procession. A flag which is not displayed on an approved flag pole shall for the purposes of this By-Law, be deemed to be a banner;"Municipality" means Swartland Municipality and includes any Executive Councillor, or Committee established by the Municipality, or any employee thereof, acting in connection with this By-Law by virtue of a power vested in the Municipality and delegated to such employee by the Municipality;"National road" means a national road as defined in the National Roads Traffic Act No 93 of 1996;"New sign" means any sign first displayed after the promulgation of this By-Law;"Organ of state" means:(1)any department of state or administration in the national, provincial or local sphere of government;(2)any other functionary or institution:(i)exercising a power or performing a function in terms of the Constitution or a provincial constitution; or(ii)exercising a public power or performing a public function in terms of any other legislation;"Peace officer" means a traffic officer and also a traffic warden appointed in terms of section 3A of the National Roads Traffic Act No 93 of 1996 and includes any magistrate, justice, police official, correctional official as defined in section 1 of the Correctional Services Act No 8 of 1959, and, in relation to any area, offence, class of offence or power referred to in a notice issued under section 334(1) of the Criminal Procedures Act No 51 of 1977, any person who is a peace officer under that section;"Pennon" means temporary signs capable of being attached to the municipal electrical light standards and/or pasted to fixed designated structures within road reserves to advertise events, campaigns and including elections or referenda;"Poster" means temporary signs capable of being attached to the municipal electrical light standards and/or pasted to fixed designated structures within road reserves to advertise events, campaigns and including elections or referenda;"Public place" means any public road as defined in the National Road Traffic Act No 93 of 1996;"Road Reserve" means the area contained within the statutory width of a road, and includes roadways, shoulders and sidewalks and the airspace above such roadways, shoulders and sidewalks and all other areas within the road reserve boundary;"Traffic Sign" means a road traffic sign as prescribed in the National Road Traffic Act No 93 of 1996;"Traffic Signal" means a road traffic signal as prescribed in the National Road Traffic Act No 93 of 1996.2. Submission of Applications
3. Different Types of Applications
Only posters, banners and notices in the following categories may be displayed and will be considered by the Municipality:4. Charges
The Municipality shall, from time to time, determine a charge for the removal of posters by the Municipality, which charge shall be recovered from the applicant’s deposit in the event of any or all of the posters not being removed by the applicant on the date it is required to be removed in terms of the approval granted by the Municipality. The full or the remained of the deposit, after such charges were deducted, shall only be paid out by the Municipality when all posters are removed.5. General Factors For Consideration of Approval
In considering an application for the erection of a poster in terms of this By-Law or an amendment or condition attaching or to be attached to an approval, the Municipality shall have regard to the following factors:6. Standard Structural Requirements
In addition to the requirements in Schedules 1 and 2 to this By-Law, the following conditions will apply:7. Traffic Safety Requirements
8. Legal Requirements
All posters to be erected and/or displayed within the area of jurisdiction of the Municipality must, in addition to complying with this By-Law, comply with all other applicable legislation, including any applicable Zoning Scheme Regulations.9. Approval
The Municipality may, at any time, withdraw an approval granted in terms of this By-Law or its predecessor or amend any condition or impose a further condition in respect of such approval, if a poster is in a state of disrepair, no longer complies with any provision of this By-Law or is substantially altered from the original application by way of graphic content.10. Appeal
11. Damage to Municipal Property
12. Offences
13. Presumptions
Any person charged with an offence in terms of this By-Law who is:14. Enforcements and Removal of Posters and Banners
15. Service of Notices
Where any notice or other document is required by these By-Laws to be served on any person, it shall be deemed to have been properly served if served personally on him/her, or any member of his/her household, apparently over the age of 16 years, at his place of residence, or on any person employed by or with him/her at his place of business, or if posted by registered post to such person’s residential or her business address, as it appears in the record of the Municipality, or if such person is a company or close corporation or a trust, if served on any person apparently employed by that company, close corporation or a trust, if served on such person at the registered office, or sent by registered post to such office.16. Magistrate's Court Jurisdiction
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any law relating to Magistrate’s Courts, a Magistrate shall have jurisdiction, on the application of any Local Authority, to make an Order for the enforcement of the provisions of this By-Law or of any approval, refusal or condition applicable in terms thereof.History of this document
01 February 2011