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- Is amended by Dogs and Cats: Amendment
South Africa
South Africa
Dogs and Cats By-law, 2006
- Published in Gauteng Provincial Gazette 135 on 10 April 2006
- Commenced on 10 April 2006
- [This is the version of this document from 4 September 2019 and includes any amendments published up to 10 February 2025.]
- [Note: The original publication document is not available and this content could not be verified.]
- [Amended by Dogs and Cats: Amendment (Local Authority Notice DOGS-AND-CATS-AMENDMENT of 2019) on 26 June 2019]
- [Amended by Dogs and Cats: Amendment (Local Authority Notice DOGS-AND-CATS-AMENDMENT of 2019) on 4 September 2019]
The Municipal Manager of the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality hereby, in terms of section 13(a) of the Local Government : Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000), publishes the By-laws relating to Dogs and Cats for the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality as approved by its Council, as set out hereunder.Chapter 1
1. Definitions
Chapter 2
Control of dogs
2. Restriction on number of dogs
3. Permits to keep dogs
4. Amendment, suspension and cancellation of permits
The Council may, subject to the provisions of the provisions of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, 2000 (Act No. 3 of 2000), and after consideration of a report and recommendation of an environmental health officer or veterinary surgeon, by written notice to the holder of a permit contemplated in section 3 –5. Prohibitions relating to the keeping of dogs
No person may keep a dog –6. Dogs in public places
7. Prohibited behaviour in respect of dogs
8. Council’s power to sterilise dogs
The Council may sterilise –Chapter 3
Control of cats
9. Restriction on number of cats
10. Council’s powers to sterilise cats
The Council may sterilise –Chapter 4
Impounding of dogs and cats
11. Duties of poundmaster
A poundmaster –12. Taking dogs into custody
13. Taking cats into custody
14. Claiming of impounded dogs and cats
15. Destruction or sale of unclaimed dogs and cats
Chapter 5
16. Designation of authorised officials
The Council may designate any authorised official to execute work, conduct any inspection and monitor and enforce compliance with these By-laws, as envisaged in section 23(1) of the Rationalisation of Local Government Affairs Act, 1998 (Gauteng Provincial Act No. 10 of 1998).17. Duties of owner
Any owner who keeps a dog or cat must-18. Offences and penalties
Any person who –19. Application to the state and council
These By-laws bind the State and the Council.[old section 18 renumbered as section 19 by section 8 of the Amendment By-law, 2019]20. Repeal
The By-laws listed in Schedule 1 are hereby repealed.[old section 19 renumbered as section 20 by section 8 of the Amendment By-law, 2019]21. Short title
These By-laws are called the By-laws relating to Dogs and Cats, 2005.[old section 20 renumbered as section 21 by section 8 of the Amendment By-law, 2019]History of this document
04 September 2019 this version
Amended by
Dogs and Cats: Amendment
26 June 2019
Amended by
Dogs and Cats: Amendment
Read this version